You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
981 B

Version bumps for ruby and misc gems (#1159) * Update rspec-rails to version 3.5.2 * Update addressable to version 2.5.1 * Update autoprefixer-rails to version * Update bullet to version 5.5.1 * Update domain_name to version 0.5.20170404 * Update letter_opener_web to version 1.3.1 * Upate redis-rails to version 5.0.2 * Update active_record_query_trace to version 1.5.4 * Update capistrano-rails to version 1.2.3 * Update dotenv-rails to version 2.2.0 * Update pg to version 0.20.0 * Update tilt to version 2.0.7 * Update warden to version 1.2.7 * Update tins to version 1.13.2 * Update terminal-table to version 1.7.3 * Update oj to version 2.18.5 * Update simplecov to version 0.14.1 * Update uglifier to version 3.1.13 * Update hashdiff to version 0.3.2 * Update webmock to version 2.3.2 * Update devise to version 4.2.1 * Use ruby version 2.4.1 * Update sass to version 3.4.23 * Update puma to version 3.8.2 * Update will_paginate to version 3.1.5 * Update font-awesome-rails to version * Update fuubar to version 2.2.0 * Update pry-rails to version 0.3.6 * Update simple-navigation to version 4.0.5 * Update rubocop to version 0.48.1 * Update doorkeeper to version 4.2.5 * Update faker to version 1.7.3 * Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.5 * Update fabrication to version 2.16.1 * Update hamlit-rails to version 0.2.0 * Update http to version 2.2.1 * Update httplog to version 0.99.2 * Update sidekiq to version 4.2.10 * Update rspec-sidekiq to version 3.0.0 * Update pghero to version 1.6.4 * Update rack-cors to version 0.4.1 * Update i18n-tasks to version 0.9.13 * Update ruby-oembed to version 0.12.0 * Update jquery-rails to version 4.3.1 * Update simple_form to version 3.4.0 * Update react-rails to version 1.11.0 * Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.6 * Update sidekiq-unique-jobs to version 5.0.0 * Update uglifier to version 3.2.0
8 years ago
FROM ruby:2.4.1-alpine
LABEL maintainer="" \
description="A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server"
ENV RAILS_ENV=production \
EXPOSE 3000 4000
WORKDIR /mastodon
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock package.json yarn.lock /mastodon/
RUN echo "@edge" >> /etc/apk/repositories \
postgresql-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libxslt-dev \
build-base" \
&& apk -U upgrade && apk add \
nodejs@edge \
nodejs-npm@edge \
libpq \
libxml2 \
libxslt \
ffmpeg \
file \
imagemagick@edge \
&& npm install -g npm@3 && npm install -g yarn \
&& bundle install --deployment --without test development \
&& yarn --ignore-optional \
&& yarn cache clean \
&& npm -g cache clean \
&& apk del $BUILD_DEPS \
&& rm -rf /tmp/* /var/cache/apk/*
COPY . /mastodon
VOLUME /mastodon/public/system /mastodon/public/assets