import Immutable from 'immutable' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import { connect } from 'react-redux' ;
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' ;
import classNames from 'classnames' ;
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' ;
import { createSelector } from 'reselect' ;
import { fetchStatus } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/statuses' ;
import MissingIndicator from 'flavours/glitch/components/missing_indicator' ;
import DetailedStatus from './components/detailed_status' ;
import ActionBar from './components/action_bar' ;
import Column from 'flavours/glitch/features/ui/components/column' ;
import {
favourite ,
unfavourite ,
bookmark ,
unbookmark ,
reblog ,
unreblog ,
pin ,
unpin ,
} from 'flavours/glitch/actions/interactions' ;
import {
replyCompose ,
mentionCompose ,
directCompose ,
} from 'flavours/glitch/actions/compose' ;
import { changeLocalSetting } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/local_settings' ;
import { blockAccount } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/accounts' ;
import { muteStatus , unmuteStatus , deleteStatus } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/statuses' ;
import { initMuteModal } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/mutes' ;
import { initReport } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/reports' ;
import { makeGetStatus } from 'flavours/glitch/selectors' ;
import { ScrollContainer } from 'react-router-scroll-4' ;
import ColumnBackButton from 'flavours/glitch/components/column_back_button' ;
import ColumnHeader from '../../components/column_header' ;
import StatusContainer from 'flavours/glitch/containers/status_container' ;
import { openModal } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/modal' ;
import { defineMessages , injectIntl , FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl' ;
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component' ;
import { HotKeys } from 'react-hotkeys' ;
import { boostModal , favouriteModal , deleteModal } from 'flavours/glitch/util/initial_state' ;
import { attachFullscreenListener , detachFullscreenListener , isFullscreen } from 'flavours/glitch/util/fullscreen' ;
import { autoUnfoldCW } from 'flavours/glitch/util/content_warning' ;
import { textForScreenReader , defaultMediaVisibility } from 'flavours/glitch/components/status' ;
import Icon from 'flavours/glitch/components/icon' ;
const messages = defineMessages ( {
deleteConfirm : { id : 'confirmations.delete.confirm' , defaultMessage : 'Delete' } ,
deleteMessage : { id : 'confirmations.delete.message' , defaultMessage : 'Are you sure you want to delete this status?' } ,
redraftConfirm : { id : 'confirmations.redraft.confirm' , defaultMessage : 'Delete & redraft' } ,
redraftMessage : { id : 'confirmations.redraft.message' , defaultMessage : 'Are you sure you want to delete this status and re-draft it? You will lose all replies, boosts and favourites to it.' } ,
blockConfirm : { id : 'confirmations.block.confirm' , defaultMessage : 'Block' } ,
revealAll : { id : 'status.show_more_all' , defaultMessage : 'Show more for all' } ,
hideAll : { id : 'status.show_less_all' , defaultMessage : 'Show less for all' } ,
detailedStatus : { id : 'status.detailed_status' , defaultMessage : 'Detailed conversation view' } ,
replyConfirm : { id : 'confirmations.reply.confirm' , defaultMessage : 'Reply' } ,
replyMessage : { id : 'confirmations.reply.message' , defaultMessage : 'Replying now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?' } ,
blockAndReport : { id : 'confirmations.block.block_and_report' , defaultMessage : 'Block & Report' } ,
tootHeading : { id : 'column.toot' , defaultMessage : 'Toots and replies' } ,
} ) ;
const makeMapStateToProps = ( ) => {
const getStatus = makeGetStatus ( ) ;
const getAncestorsIds = createSelector ( [
( _ , { id } ) => id ,
state => state . getIn ( [ 'contexts' , 'inReplyTos' ] ) ,
] , ( statusId , inReplyTos ) => {
let ancestorsIds = Immutable . List ( ) ;
ancestorsIds = ancestorsIds . withMutations ( mutable => {
let id = statusId ;
while ( id ) {
mutable . unshift ( id ) ;
id = inReplyTos . get ( id ) ;
} ) ;
return ancestorsIds ;
} ) ;
const getDescendantsIds = createSelector ( [
( _ , { id } ) => id ,
state => state . getIn ( [ 'contexts' , 'replies' ] ) ,
state => state . get ( 'statuses' ) ,
] , ( statusId , contextReplies , statuses ) => {
let descendantsIds = [ ] ;
const ids = [ statusId ] ;
while ( ids . length > 0 ) {
let id = ids . shift ( ) ;
const replies = contextReplies . get ( id ) ;
if ( statusId !== id ) {
descendantsIds . push ( id ) ;
if ( replies ) {
replies . reverse ( ) . forEach ( reply => {
ids . unshift ( reply ) ;
} ) ;
let insertAt = descendantsIds . findIndex ( ( id ) => statuses . get ( id ) . get ( 'in_reply_to_account_id' ) !== statuses . get ( id ) . get ( 'account' ) ) ;
if ( insertAt !== - 1 ) {
descendantsIds . forEach ( ( id , idx ) => {
if ( idx > insertAt && statuses . get ( id ) . get ( 'in_reply_to_account_id' ) === statuses . get ( id ) . get ( 'account' ) ) {
descendantsIds . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
descendantsIds . splice ( insertAt , 0 , id ) ;
insertAt += 1 ;
} ) ;
return Immutable . List ( descendantsIds ) ;
} ) ;
const mapStateToProps = ( state , props ) => {
const status = getStatus ( state , { id : props . params . statusId } ) ;
let ancestorsIds = Immutable . List ( ) ;
let descendantsIds = Immutable . List ( ) ;
if ( status ) {
ancestorsIds = getAncestorsIds ( state , { id : status . get ( 'in_reply_to_id' ) } ) ;
descendantsIds = getDescendantsIds ( state , { id : status . get ( 'id' ) } ) ;
return {
status ,
ancestorsIds ,
descendantsIds ,
settings : state . get ( 'local_settings' ) ,
askReplyConfirmation : state . getIn ( [ 'local_settings' , 'confirm_before_clearing_draft' ] ) && state . getIn ( [ 'compose' , 'text' ] ) . trim ( ) . length !== 0 ,
domain : state . getIn ( [ 'meta' , 'domain' ] ) ,
} ;
} ;
return mapStateToProps ;
} ;
export default @ injectIntl
@ connect ( makeMapStateToProps )
class Status extends ImmutablePureComponent {
static contextTypes = {
router : PropTypes . object ,
} ;
static propTypes = {
params : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
dispatch : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
status : ImmutablePropTypes . map ,
settings : ImmutablePropTypes . map . isRequired ,
ancestorsIds : ImmutablePropTypes . list ,
descendantsIds : ImmutablePropTypes . list ,
intl : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
askReplyConfirmation : PropTypes . bool ,
domain : PropTypes . string . isRequired ,
} ;
state = {
fullscreen : false ,
isExpanded : undefined ,
threadExpanded : undefined ,
statusId : undefined ,
loadedStatusId : undefined ,
showMedia : undefined ,
revealBehindCW : undefined ,
} ;
componentDidMount ( ) {
attachFullscreenListener ( this . onFullScreenChange ) ;
this . props . dispatch ( fetchStatus ( this . props . params . statusId ) ) ;
const { status , ancestorsIds } = this . props ;
if ( status && ancestorsIds && ancestorsIds . size > 0 ) {
const element = this . node . querySelectorAll ( '.focusable' ) [ ancestorsIds . size - 1 ] ;
window . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => {
element . scrollIntoView ( true ) ;
} ) ;
static getDerivedStateFromProps ( props , state ) {
let update = { } ;
let updated = false ;
if ( props . params . statusId && state . statusId !== props . params . statusId ) {
props . dispatch ( fetchStatus ( props . params . statusId ) ) ;
update . threadExpanded = undefined ;
update . statusId = props . params . statusId ;
updated = true ;
const revealBehindCW = props . settings . getIn ( [ 'media' , 'reveal_behind_cw' ] ) ;
if ( revealBehindCW !== state . revealBehindCW ) {
update . revealBehindCW = revealBehindCW ;
if ( revealBehindCW ) update . showMedia = defaultMediaVisibility ( props . status , props . settings ) ;
updated = true ;
if ( props . status && state . loadedStatusId !== props . status . get ( 'id' ) ) {
update . showMedia = defaultMediaVisibility ( props . status , props . settings ) ;
update . loadedStatusId = props . status . get ( 'id' ) ;
update . isExpanded = autoUnfoldCW ( props . settings , props . status ) ;
updated = true ;
return updated ? update : null ;
handleExpandedToggle = ( ) => {
if ( this . props . status . get ( 'spoiler_text' ) ) {
this . setExpansion ( ! this . state . isExpanded ) ;
} ;
handleToggleMediaVisibility = ( ) => {
this . setState ( { showMedia : ! this . state . showMedia } ) ;
handleModalFavourite = ( status ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( favourite ( status ) ) ;
handleFavouriteClick = ( status , e ) => {
if ( status . get ( 'favourited' ) ) {
this . props . dispatch ( unfavourite ( status ) ) ;
} else {
if ( ( e && e . shiftKey ) || ! favouriteModal ) {
this . handleModalFavourite ( status ) ;
} else {
this . props . dispatch ( openModal ( 'FAVOURITE' , { status , onFavourite : this . handleModalFavourite } ) ) ;
handlePin = ( status ) => {
if ( status . get ( 'pinned' ) ) {
this . props . dispatch ( unpin ( status ) ) ;
} else {
this . props . dispatch ( pin ( status ) ) ;
handleReplyClick = ( status ) => {
let { askReplyConfirmation , dispatch , intl } = this . props ;
if ( askReplyConfirmation ) {
dispatch ( openModal ( 'CONFIRM' , {
message : intl . formatMessage ( messages . replyMessage ) ,
confirm : intl . formatMessage ( messages . replyConfirm ) ,
onDoNotAsk : ( ) => dispatch ( changeLocalSetting ( [ 'confirm_before_clearing_draft' ] , false ) ) ,
onConfirm : ( ) => dispatch ( replyCompose ( status , this . context . router . history ) ) ,
} ) ) ;
} else {
dispatch ( replyCompose ( status , this . context . router . history ) ) ;
handleModalReblog = ( status ) => {
const { dispatch } = this . props ;
if ( status . get ( 'reblogged' ) ) {
dispatch ( unreblog ( status ) ) ;
} else {
dispatch ( reblog ( status ) ) ;
handleReblogClick = ( status , e ) => {
const { settings , dispatch } = this . props ;
if ( settings . get ( 'confirm_boost_missing_media_description' ) && status . get ( 'media_attachments' ) . some ( item => ! item . get ( 'description' ) ) && ! status . get ( 'reblogged' ) ) {
dispatch ( openModal ( 'BOOST' , { status , onReblog : this . handleModalReblog , missingMediaDescription : true } ) ) ;
} else if ( ( e && e . shiftKey ) || ! boostModal ) {
this . handleModalReblog ( status ) ;
} else {
dispatch ( openModal ( 'BOOST' , { status , onReblog : this . handleModalReblog } ) ) ;
handleBookmarkClick = ( status ) => {
if ( status . get ( 'bookmarked' ) ) {
this . props . dispatch ( unbookmark ( status ) ) ;
} else {
this . props . dispatch ( bookmark ( status ) ) ;
handleDeleteClick = ( status , history , withRedraft = false ) => {
const { dispatch , intl } = this . props ;
if ( ! deleteModal ) {
dispatch ( deleteStatus ( status . get ( 'id' ) , history , withRedraft ) ) ;
} else {
dispatch ( openModal ( 'CONFIRM' , {
message : intl . formatMessage ( withRedraft ? messages . redraftMessage : messages . deleteMessage ) ,
confirm : intl . formatMessage ( withRedraft ? messages . redraftConfirm : messages . deleteConfirm ) ,
onConfirm : ( ) => dispatch ( deleteStatus ( status . get ( 'id' ) , history , withRedraft ) ) ,
} ) ) ;
handleDirectClick = ( account , router ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( directCompose ( account , router ) ) ;
handleMentionClick = ( account , router ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( mentionCompose ( account , router ) ) ;
handleOpenMedia = ( media , index ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( openModal ( 'MEDIA' , { media , index } ) ) ;
handleOpenVideo = ( media , time ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( openModal ( 'VIDEO' , { media , time } ) ) ;
handleMuteClick = ( account ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( initMuteModal ( account ) ) ;
handleConversationMuteClick = ( status ) => {
if ( status . get ( 'muted' ) ) {
this . props . dispatch ( unmuteStatus ( status . get ( 'id' ) ) ) ;
} else {
this . props . dispatch ( muteStatus ( status . get ( 'id' ) ) ) ;
handleToggleAll = ( ) => {
const { isExpanded } = this . state ;
this . setState ( { isExpanded : ! isExpanded , threadExpanded : ! isExpanded } ) ;
handleBlockClick = ( status ) => {
const { dispatch , intl } = this . props ;
const account = status . get ( 'account' ) ;
dispatch ( openModal ( 'CONFIRM' , {
message : < FormattedMessage id = 'confirmations.block.message' defaultMessage = 'Are you sure you want to block {name}?' values = { { name : < strong > @ { account . get ( 'acct' ) } < /strong> }} / > ,
confirm : intl . formatMessage ( messages . blockConfirm ) ,
onConfirm : ( ) => dispatch ( blockAccount ( account . get ( 'id' ) ) ) ,
secondary : intl . formatMessage ( messages . blockAndReport ) ,
onSecondary : ( ) => {
dispatch ( blockAccount ( account . get ( 'id' ) ) ) ;
dispatch ( initReport ( account , status ) ) ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
handleReport = ( status ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( initReport ( status . get ( 'account' ) , status ) ) ;
handleEmbed = ( status ) => {
this . props . dispatch ( openModal ( 'EMBED' , { url : status . get ( 'url' ) } ) ) ;
handleHotkeyToggleSensitive = ( ) => {
this . handleToggleMediaVisibility ( ) ;
handleHotkeyMoveUp = ( ) => {
this . handleMoveUp ( this . props . status . get ( 'id' ) ) ;
handleHotkeyMoveDown = ( ) => {
this . handleMoveDown ( this . props . status . get ( 'id' ) ) ;
handleHotkeyReply = e => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
this . handleReplyClick ( this . props . status ) ;
handleHotkeyFavourite = ( ) => {
this . handleFavouriteClick ( this . props . status ) ;
handleHotkeyBoost = ( ) => {
this . handleReblogClick ( this . props . status ) ;
handleHotkeyBookmark = ( ) => {
this . handleBookmarkClick ( this . props . status ) ;
handleHotkeyMention = e => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
this . handleMentionClick ( this . props . status ) ;
handleHotkeyOpenProfile = ( ) => {
let state = { ... this . context . router . history . location . state } ;
state . mastodonBackSteps = ( state . mastodonBackSteps || 0 ) + 1 ;
this . context . router . history . push ( ` /accounts/ ${ this . props . status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'id' ] ) } ` , state ) ;
handleMoveUp = id => {
const { status , ancestorsIds , descendantsIds } = this . props ;
if ( id === status . get ( 'id' ) ) {
this . _selectChild ( ancestorsIds . size - 1 , true ) ;
} else {
let index = ancestorsIds . indexOf ( id ) ;
if ( index === - 1 ) {
index = descendantsIds . indexOf ( id ) ;
this . _selectChild ( ancestorsIds . size + index , true ) ;
} else {
this . _selectChild ( index - 1 , true ) ;
handleMoveDown = id => {
const { status , ancestorsIds , descendantsIds } = this . props ;
if ( id === status . get ( 'id' ) ) {
this . _selectChild ( ancestorsIds . size + 1 , false ) ;
} else {
let index = ancestorsIds . indexOf ( id ) ;
if ( index === - 1 ) {
index = descendantsIds . indexOf ( id ) ;
this . _selectChild ( ancestorsIds . size + index + 2 , false ) ;
} else {
this . _selectChild ( index + 1 , false ) ;
_selectChild ( index , align _top ) {
const container = this . node ;
const element = container . querySelectorAll ( '.focusable' ) [ index ] ;
if ( element ) {
if ( align _top && container . scrollTop > element . offsetTop ) {
element . scrollIntoView ( true ) ;
} else if ( ! align _top && container . scrollTop + container . clientHeight < element . offsetTop + element . offsetHeight ) {
element . scrollIntoView ( false ) ;
element . focus ( ) ;
handleHeaderClick = ( ) => {
this . column . scrollTop ( ) ;
renderChildren ( list ) {
return list . map ( id => (
< StatusContainer
key = { id }
id = { id }
expanded = { this . state . threadExpanded }
onMoveUp = { this . handleMoveUp }
onMoveDown = { this . handleMoveDown }
contextType = 'thread'
/ >
) ) ;
setExpansion = value => {
this . setState ( { isExpanded : value } ) ;
setRef = c => {
this . node = c ;
setColumnRef = c => {
this . column = c ;
componentDidUpdate ( prevProps ) {
if ( this . props . params . statusId && ( this . props . params . statusId !== prevProps . params . statusId || prevProps . ancestorsIds . size < this . props . ancestorsIds . size ) ) {
const { status , ancestorsIds } = this . props ;
if ( status && ancestorsIds && ancestorsIds . size > 0 ) {
const element = this . node . querySelectorAll ( '.focusable' ) [ ancestorsIds . size - 1 ] ;
window . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => {
element . scrollIntoView ( true ) ;
} ) ;
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
detachFullscreenListener ( this . onFullScreenChange ) ;
onFullScreenChange = ( ) => {
this . setState ( { fullscreen : isFullscreen ( ) } ) ;
shouldUpdateScroll = ( prevRouterProps , { location } ) => {
if ( ( ( ( prevRouterProps || { } ) . location || { } ) . state || { } ) . mastodonModalOpen ) return false ;
return ! ( location . state && location . state . mastodonModalOpen ) ;
render ( ) {
let ancestors , descendants ;
const { setExpansion } = this ;
const { status , settings , ancestorsIds , descendantsIds , intl , domain } = this . props ;
const { fullscreen , isExpanded } = this . state ;
if ( status === null ) {
return (
< Column >
< ColumnBackButton / >
< MissingIndicator / >
< / C o l u m n >
) ;
if ( ancestorsIds && ancestorsIds . size > 0 ) {
ancestors = < div > { this . renderChildren ( ancestorsIds ) } < / d i v > ;
if ( descendantsIds && descendantsIds . size > 0 ) {
descendants = < div > { this . renderChildren ( descendantsIds ) } < / d i v > ;
const handlers = {
moveUp : this . handleHotkeyMoveUp ,
moveDown : this . handleHotkeyMoveDown ,
reply : this . handleHotkeyReply ,
favourite : this . handleHotkeyFavourite ,
boost : this . handleHotkeyBoost ,
bookmark : this . handleHotkeyBookmark ,
mention : this . handleHotkeyMention ,
openProfile : this . handleHotkeyOpenProfile ,
toggleSpoiler : this . handleExpandedToggle ,
toggleSensitive : this . handleHotkeyToggleSensitive ,
} ;
return (
< Column ref = { this . setColumnRef } label = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . detailedStatus ) } >
< ColumnHeader
icon = 'comment'
title = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . tootHeading ) }
onClick = { this . handleHeaderClick }
extraButton = { (
< button className = 'column-header__button' title = { intl . formatMessage ( ! isExpanded ? messages . revealAll : messages . hideAll ) } aria - label = { intl . formatMessage ( ! isExpanded ? messages . revealAll : messages . hideAll ) } onClick = { this . handleToggleAll } aria - pressed = { ! isExpanded ? 'false' : 'true' } > < Icon id = { status . get ( 'hidden' ) ? 'eye-slash' : 'eye' } / > < / b u t t o n >
) }
/ >
< ScrollContainer scrollKey = 'thread' shouldUpdateScroll = { this . shouldUpdateScroll } >
< div className = { classNames ( 'scrollable' , 'detailed-status__wrapper' , { fullscreen } ) } ref = { this . setRef } >
{ ancestors }
< HotKeys handlers = { handlers } >
< div className = 'focusable' tabIndex = '0' aria - label = { textForScreenReader ( intl , status , false , ! status . get ( 'hidden' ) ) } >
< DetailedStatus
status = { status }
settings = { settings }
onOpenVideo = { this . handleOpenVideo }
onOpenMedia = { this . handleOpenMedia }
expanded = { isExpanded }
onToggleHidden = { this . handleExpandedToggle }
domain = { domain }
showMedia = { this . state . showMedia }
onToggleMediaVisibility = { this . handleToggleMediaVisibility }
/ >
< ActionBar
status = { status }
onReply = { this . handleReplyClick }
onFavourite = { this . handleFavouriteClick }
onReblog = { this . handleReblogClick }
onBookmark = { this . handleBookmarkClick }
onDelete = { this . handleDeleteClick }
onDirect = { this . handleDirectClick }
onMention = { this . handleMentionClick }
onMute = { this . handleMuteClick }
onMuteConversation = { this . handleConversationMuteClick }
onBlock = { this . handleBlockClick }
onReport = { this . handleReport }
onPin = { this . handlePin }
onEmbed = { this . handleEmbed }
/ >
< / d i v >
< / H o t K e y s >
{ descendants }
< / d i v >
< / S c r o l l C o n t a i n e r >
< / C o l u m n >
) ;