You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
2.1 KiB

- content_for :header_tags do
= render_initial_state
= javascript_pack_tag "locales", crossorigin: 'anonymous'
- if @theme
- if @theme[:supported_locales].include? I18n.locale.to_s
= javascript_pack_tag "locales/#{@theme[:flavour]}/#{I18n.locale}", crossorigin: 'anonymous'
- elsif @theme[:supported_locales].include? 'en'
= javascript_pack_tag "locales/#{@theme[:flavour]}/en", crossorigin: 'anonymous'
= render partial: 'layouts/theme', object: @core
= render partial: 'layouts/theme', object: @theme
meta = @media_attachment.file.meta || {}
- if
= react_component :video, src: @media_attachment.file.url(:original), preview: @media_attachment.thumbnail.present? ? @media_attachment.thumbnail.url : @media_attachment.file.url(:small), frameRate: meta.dig('original', 'frame_rate'), blurhash: @media_attachment.blurhash, width: 670, height: 380, editable: true, detailed: true, inline: true, alt: @media_attachment.description, media: [, serializer: REST::MediaAttachmentSerializer)].as_json do
%video{ controls: 'controls' }
%source{ src: @media_attachment.file.url(:original) }
- elsif @media_attachment.gifv?
= react_component :media_gallery, height: 380, standalone: true, autoplay: true, media: [, serializer: REST::MediaAttachmentSerializer).as_json] do
%video{ autoplay: 'autoplay', muted: 'muted', loop: 'loop' }
%source{ src: @media_attachment.file.url(:original) }
- elsif
= react_component :audio, src: @media_attachment.file.url(:original), poster: @media_attachment.thumbnail.present? ? @media_attachment.thumbnail.url : @media_attachment.account.avatar_static_url, backgroundColor: meta.dig('colors', 'background'), foregroundColor: meta.dig('colors', 'foreground'), accentColor: meta.dig('colors', 'accent'), width: 670, height: 380, fullscreen: true, alt: @media_attachment.description, duration: meta.dig(:original, :duration) do
%audio{ controls: 'controls' }
%source{ src: @media_attachment.file.url(:original) }