You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

684 lines
22 KiB

/* Copyright 2017 Andrew Dawson
* This file is a part of Tusky.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not,
* see <>. */
import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.*
import io.reactivex.Completable
import io.reactivex.Single
import okhttp3.MultipartBody
import okhttp3.RequestBody
import okhttp3.ResponseBody
import retrofit2.Call
import retrofit2.Response
import retrofit2.http.*
import retrofit2.http.Field
* for documentation of the Mastodon REST API see
interface MastodonApi {
companion object {
const val ENDPOINT_AUTHORIZE = "/oauth/authorize"
const val DOMAIN_HEADER = "domain"
const val PLACEHOLDER_DOMAIN = "dummy.placeholder"
fun getLists(): Single<List<MastoList>>
fun getCustomEmojis(): Single<List<Emoji>>
fun getInstance(): Single<Instance>
fun getFilters(): Call<List<Filter>>
fun homeTimeline(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Call<List<Status>>
fun homeTimelineSingle(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Single<List<Status>>
fun publicTimeline(
@Query("local") local: Boolean?,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Call<List<Status>>
fun hashtagTimeline(
@Path("hashtag") hashtag: String,
@Query("any[]") any: List<String>?,
@Query("local") local: Boolean?,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Call<List<Status>>
fun listTimeline(
@Path("listId") listId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Call<List<Status>>
fun notifications(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?,
@Query("exclude_types[]") excludes: Set<Notification.Type>?,
@Query("with_muted") withMuted: Boolean?
): Call<List<Notification>>
fun markersWithAuth(
@Header("Authorization") auth: String,
@Header(DOMAIN_HEADER) domain: String,
@Query("timeline[]") timelines: List<String>
): Single<Map<String, Marker>>
fun notificationsWithAuth(
@Header("Authorization") auth: String,
@Header(DOMAIN_HEADER) domain: String,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("include_types[]") includeTypes: List<String>?
): Single<List<Notification>>
fun clearNotifications(): Call<ResponseBody>
fun notification(
@Path("id") notificationId: String
): Call<Notification>
fun uploadMedia(
@Part file: MultipartBody.Part,
@Part description: MultipartBody.Part? = null
): Single<Attachment>
fun updateMedia(
@Path("mediaId") mediaId: String,
@Field("description") description: String
): Single<Attachment>
fun createStatus(
@Header("Authorization") auth: String,
@Header(DOMAIN_HEADER) domain: String,
@Header("Idempotency-Key") idempotencyKey: String,
@Body status: NewStatus
): Call<Status>
fun status(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Call<Status>
fun statusSingle(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun statusContext(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Call<StatusContext>
fun statusRebloggedBy(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?
): Single<Response<List<Account>>>
fun statusFavouritedBy(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?
): Single<Response<List<Account>>>
fun deleteStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<DeletedStatus>
fun reblogStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun unreblogStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun favouriteStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun unfavouriteStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun bookmarkStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun unbookmarkStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun pinStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun unpinStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun muteConversation(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun unmuteConversation(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun scheduledStatuses(
@Query("limit") limit: Int? = null,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String? = null
): Single<List<ScheduledStatus>>
fun deleteScheduledStatus(
@Path("id") scheduledStatusId: String
): Single<ResponseBody>
fun accountVerifyCredentials(): Single<Account>
fun accountUpdateSource(
@Field("source[privacy]") privacy: String?,
@Field("source[sensitive]") sensitive: Boolean?
): Call<Account>
fun accountUpdateCredentials(
@Part(value = "display_name") displayName: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "note") note: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "locked") locked: RequestBody?,
@Part avatar: MultipartBody.Part?,
@Part header: MultipartBody.Part?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[0][name]") fieldName0: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[0][value]") fieldValue0: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[1][name]") fieldName1: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[1][value]") fieldValue1: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[2][name]") fieldName2: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[2][value]") fieldValue2: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[3][name]") fieldName3: RequestBody?,
@Part(value = "fields_attributes[3][value]") fieldValue3: RequestBody?
): Call<Account>
fun searchAccounts(
@Query("q") query: String,
@Query("resolve") resolve: Boolean? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: Int? = null,
@Query("following") following: Boolean? = null
): Single<List<Account>>
fun account(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Account>
* Method to fetch statuses for the specified account.
* @param accountId ID for account for which statuses will be requested
* @param maxId Only statuses with ID less than maxID will be returned
* @param sinceId Only statuses with ID bigger than sinceID will be returned
* @param limit Limit returned statuses (current API limits: default - 20, max - 40)
* @param excludeReplies only return statuses that are no replies
* @param onlyMedia only return statuses that have media attached
fun accountStatuses(
@Path("id") accountId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?,
@Query("exclude_replies") excludeReplies: Boolean?,
@Query("only_media") onlyMedia: Boolean?,
@Query("pinned") pinned: Boolean?
): Call<List<Status>>
fun accountFollowers(
@Path("id") accountId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?
): Single<Response<List<Account>>>
fun accountFollowing(
@Path("id") accountId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?
): Single<Response<List<Account>>>
fun followAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String,
@Field("reblogs") showReblogs: Boolean? = null,
@Field("notify") notify: Boolean? = null
): Single<Relationship>
fun unfollowAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun blockAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun unblockAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun muteAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String,
@Field("notifications") notifications: Boolean? = null,
@Field("duration") duration: Int? = null
): Single<Relationship>
fun unmuteAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun relationships(
@Query("id[]") accountIds: List<String>
): Single<List<Relationship>>
fun identityProofs(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<List<IdentityProof>>
fun subscribeAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun unsubscribeAccount(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun blocks(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?
): Single<Response<List<Account>>>
fun mutes(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?
): Single<Response<List<Account>>>
fun domainBlocks(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: Int? = null
): Single<Response<List<String>>>
fun blockDomain(
@Field("domain") domain: String
): Call<Any>
// @DELETE doesn't support fields
@HTTP(method = "DELETE", path = "api/v1/domain_blocks", hasBody = true)
fun unblockDomain(@Field("domain") domain: String): Call<Any>
fun favourites(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Call<List<Status>>
fun bookmarks(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Call<List<Status>>
fun followRequests(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?
): Single<Response<List<Account>>>
fun authorizeFollowRequest(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Call<Relationship>
fun rejectFollowRequest(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Call<Relationship>
fun authorizeFollowRequestObservable(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun rejectFollowRequestObservable(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Relationship>
fun authenticateApp(
@Header(DOMAIN_HEADER) domain: String,
@Field("client_name") clientName: String,
@Field("redirect_uris") redirectUris: String,
@Field("scopes") scopes: String,
@Field("website") website: String
): Call<AppCredentials>
fun fetchOAuthToken(
@Header(DOMAIN_HEADER) domain: String,
@Field("client_id") clientId: String,
@Field("client_secret") clientSecret: String,
@Field("redirect_uri") redirectUri: String,
@Field("code") code: String,
@Field("grant_type") grantType: String
): Call<AccessToken>
fun createList(
@Field("title") title: String
): Single<MastoList>
fun updateList(
@Path("listId") listId: String,
@Field("title") title: String
): Single<MastoList>
fun deleteList(
@Path("listId") listId: String
): Completable
fun getAccountsInList(
@Path("listId") listId: String,
@Query("limit") limit: Int
): Single<List<Account>>
// @DELETE doesn't support fields
@HTTP(method = "DELETE", path = "api/v1/lists/{listId}/accounts", hasBody = true)
fun deleteAccountFromList(
@Path("listId") listId: String,
@Field("account_ids[]") accountIds: List<String>
): Completable
fun addCountToList(
@Path("listId") listId: String,
@Field("account_ids[]") accountIds: List<String>
): Completable
fun getConversations(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: Int
): Call<List<Conversation>>
data class PostFilter(
val phrase: String,
val context: List<String>,
val irreversible: Boolean?,
val whole_word: Boolean?,
val expires_in: String?
fun createFilter(@Body body: PostFilter): Call<Filter>
fun updateFilter(
@Path("id") id: String,
@Body body: PostFilter
): Call<Filter>
fun deleteFilter(
@Path("id") id: String
): Call<ResponseBody>
fun voteInPoll(
@Path("id") id: String,
@Field("choices[]") choices: List<Int>
): Single<Poll>
fun listAnnouncements(
@Query("with_dismissed") withDismissed: Boolean = true
): Single<List<Announcement>>
fun dismissAnnouncement(
@Path("id") announcementId: String
): Single<ResponseBody>
fun addAnnouncementReaction(
@Path("id") announcementId: String,
@Path("name") name: String
): Single<ResponseBody>
fun removeAnnouncementReaction(
@Path("id") announcementId: String,
@Path("name") name: String
): Single<ResponseBody>
fun reportObservable(
@Field("account_id") accountId: String,
@Field("status_ids[]") statusIds: List<String>,
@Field("comment") comment: String,
@Field("forward") isNotifyRemote: Boolean?
): Single<ResponseBody>
fun accountStatusesObservable(
@Path("id") accountId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?,
@Query("exclude_reblogs") excludeReblogs: Boolean?
): Single<List<Status>>
fun statusObservable(
@Path("id") statusId: String
): Single<Status>
fun searchObservable(
@Query("q") query: String?,
@Query("type") type: String? = null,
@Query("resolve") resolve: Boolean? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: Int? = null,
@Query("offset") offset: Int? = null,
@Query("following") following: Boolean? = null
): Single<SearchResult>
fun getNodeinfoLinks() : Single<NodeInfoLinks>
fun getNodeinfo(@Url url: String) : Single<NodeInfo>
fun reactWithEmoji(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
@Path("emoji") emoji: String
): Single<Status>
fun unreactWithEmoji(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
@Path("emoji") emoji: String
): Single<Status>
fun statusReactedBy(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
@Path("emoji") emoji: String
): Single<Response<List<EmojiReaction>>>
// just for testing and because puniko asked me
fun getStickers() : Single<Map<String, String>>
fun getStickerPack(
@Url path: String
): Single<Response<StickerPack>>
fun markChatMessageAsRead(
@Path("id") chatId: String,
@Path("message_id") messageId: String
): Single<ChatMessage>
fun deleteChatMessage(
@Path("id") chatId: String,
@Path("message_id") messageId: String
): Single<ChatMessage>
fun getChats(
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("min_id") minId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("offset") offset: Int?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Single<List<Chat>>
fun getChatMessages(
@Path("id") chatId: String,
@Query("max_id") maxId: String?,
@Query("min_id") minId: String?,
@Query("since_id") sinceId: String?,
@Query("offset") offset: Int?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int?
): Single<List<ChatMessage>>
fun createChatMessage(
@Header("Authorization") auth: String,
@Header(DOMAIN_HEADER) domain: String,
@Path("id") chatId: String,
@Body chatMessage: NewChatMessage
): Call<ChatMessage>
fun markChatAsRead(
@Path("id") chatId: String,
@Field("last_read_id") lastReadId: String? = null
): Single<Chat>
fun createChat(
@Path("id") accountId: String
): Single<Chat>
fun getChat(
@Path("id") chatId: String
): Single<Chat>
fun updateAccountNote(
@Path("id") accountId: String,
@Field("comment") note: String
): Single<Relationship>