/* Copyright 2017 Andrew Dawson * * This file is a part of Tusky. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tusky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tusky; if not, * see . */ package com.keylesspalace.tusky.fragment import android.animation.Animator import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable import android.net.Uri import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.* import android.widget.TextView import androidx.exifinterface.media.ExifInterface import com.bumptech.glide.Glide import com.bumptech.glide.load.DataSource import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestListener import com.bumptech.glide.request.target.CustomTarget import com.bumptech.glide.request.target.Target import com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition import com.github.piasy.biv.BigImageViewer import com.github.piasy.biv.loader.ImageLoader import com.github.piasy.biv.view.GlideImageViewFactory import com.keylesspalace.tusky.R import com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.Attachment import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.hide import com.keylesspalace.tusky.util.visible import io.reactivex.subjects.BehaviorSubject import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_view_media.* import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.fragment_view_image.* import java.io.File import java.lang.Exception import kotlin.math.abs import com.davemorrissey.labs.subscaleview.SubsamplingScaleImageView class ViewImageFragment : ViewMediaFragment() { interface PhotoActionsListener { fun onBringUp() fun onDismiss() fun onPhotoTap() } private lateinit var photoActionsListener: PhotoActionsListener private lateinit var toolbar: View private var shouldStartTransition = false // Volatile: Image requests happen on background thread and we want to see updates to it // immediately on another thread. Atomic is an overkill for such thing. @Volatile private var startedTransition = false private var uri = Uri.EMPTY private var previewUri = Uri.EMPTY private var showingPreview = false override lateinit var descriptionView: TextView override fun onAttach(context: Context) { super.onAttach(context) photoActionsListener = context as PhotoActionsListener } override fun setupMediaView(url: String, previewUrl: String?) { descriptionView = mediaDescription photoView.transitionName = url startedTransition = false uri = Uri.parse(url) if(previewUrl != null && !previewUrl.equals(url)) { previewUri = Uri.parse(previewUrl) } loadImageFromNetwork() } override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View { toolbar = activity!!.toolbar return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_view_image, container, false) } private lateinit var gestureDetector : GestureDetector private val imageOnTouchListener = object : View.OnTouchListener { private var lastY = 0.0f private var swipeStartedWithOneFinger = false override fun onTouch(v: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean { // This part is for scaling/translating on vertical move. // We use raw coordinates to get the correct ones during scaling gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event) if(event.pointerCount != 1) { onGestureEnd() swipeStartedWithOneFinger = false return false } when(event.action) { MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> { swipeStartedWithOneFinger = true lastY = event.rawY } MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL -> { onGestureEnd() swipeStartedWithOneFinger = false } MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> { if(swipeStartedWithOneFinger && (photoView.ssiv == null || photoView.ssiv.scale <= photoView.ssiv.minScale)) { val diff = event.rawY - lastY // This code is to prevent transformations during page scrolling // If we are already translating or we reached the threshold, then transform. if (photoView.translationY != 0f || abs(diff) > 40) { photoView.translationY += (diff) val scale = (-abs(photoView.translationY) / 720 + 1).coerceAtLeast(0.5f) photoView.scaleY = scale photoView.scaleX = scale lastY = event.rawY } } } } return false } } @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) gestureDetector = GestureDetector(requireContext(), object : GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() { override fun onSingleTapConfirmed(e: MotionEvent?): Boolean { onMediaTap() return true } }) photoView.setImageLoaderCallback(imageLoaderCallback) photoView.setImageViewFactory(GlideImageViewFactory()) val arguments = this.requireArguments() val attachment = arguments.getParcelable(ARG_ATTACHMENT) this.shouldStartTransition = arguments.getBoolean(ARG_START_POSTPONED_TRANSITION) val url: String? var description: String? = null if (attachment != null) { url = attachment.url description = attachment.description } else { url = arguments.getString(ARG_AVATAR_URL) if (url == null) { throw IllegalArgumentException("attachment or avatar url has to be set") } } finalizeViewSetup(url, attachment?.previewUrl, description) } private fun onGestureEnd() { if (abs(photoView.translationY) > 180) { photoActionsListener.onDismiss() } else { photoView.animate().translationY(0f).scaleX(1f).scaleY(1f).start() } } private fun onMediaTap() { photoActionsListener.onPhotoTap() } override fun onToolbarVisibilityChange(visible: Boolean) { if (photoView == null || !userVisibleHint) { return } isDescriptionVisible = showingDescription && visible val alpha = if (isDescriptionVisible) 1.0f else 0.0f descriptionView.animate().alpha(alpha) .setListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() { override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) { descriptionView.visible(isDescriptionVisible) animation.removeListener(this) } }) .start() } override fun onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView() photoView.ssiv?.recycle() } private inner class DummyCacheTarget(val ctx: Context, val requestPreview : Boolean) : CustomTarget() { override fun onLoadCleared(placeholder: Drawable?) {} override fun onLoadFailed(errorDrawable: Drawable?) { if(requestPreview) { // no preview, no full image in cache, load full image // forget about fancy transition showingPreview = false photoView.showImage(uri) } else { // let's start downloading full image that we supposedly don't have BigImageViewer.prefetch(uri) // meanwhile poke cache about preview image Glide.with(ctx).asFile() .load(previewUri) .dontAnimate() .onlyRetrieveFromCache(true) .into(DummyCacheTarget(ctx, true)) } } override fun onResourceReady(resource: File, transition: Transition?) { showingPreview = requestPreview if(requestPreview) { // have preview cached but not full image photoView.showImage(previewUri, uri, true) } else { photoView.showImage(uri) } } } private fun loadImageFromNetwork() { if(previewUri != Uri.EMPTY) { // check if we have full image in the cache, if yes, use it // if not, look for preview in cache and use it if available // if not, load full image anyway Glide.with(this).asFile() .load(uri) .onlyRetrieveFromCache(true) .dontAnimate() .into(DummyCacheTarget(context!!, false)) } else { // no need in cache lookup, just load full image showingPreview = false photoView.showImage(uri) } } override fun onTransitionEnd() { // if we had preview, load full image, as transition has ended if (showingPreview) { showingPreview = false photoView.loadMainImageNow() } } private val imageLoaderCallback = object : ImageLoader.Callback { override fun onSuccess(image: File?) { if(!showingPreview) { progressBar?.hide() photoView.ssiv?.orientation = SubsamplingScaleImageView.ORIENTATION_USE_EXIF photoView.mainView?.setOnTouchListener(imageOnTouchListener) } } override fun onFail(error: Exception?) { progressBar?.hide() } override fun onCacheHit(imageType: Int, image: File?) { // image is here, bring up the activity! photoActionsListener.onBringUp() } override fun onStart() { // cache miss but image is downloading, bring up the activity photoActionsListener.onBringUp() } override fun onCacheMiss(imageType: Int, image: File?) { // this callback is useless because it's called after // image is downloaded or pulled from cache // so in case of cache miss, onStart is used } override fun onFinish() {} override fun onProgress(progress: Int) { // TODO: make use of it :) } } }