package com.keylesspalace.tusky.util import android.content.Context import android.util.Log import android.util.Pair import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import androidx.annotation.StringRes import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting import androidx.emoji.text.EmojiCompat import androidx.emoji.bundled.BundledEmojiCompatConfig import com.keylesspalace.tusky.R import de.c1710.filemojicompat.FileEmojiCompatConfig import io.reactivex.Observable import io.reactivex.ObservableEmitter import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import okhttp3.Request import okhttp3.Response import okhttp3.ResponseBody import okhttp3.internal.toLongOrDefault import okio.Source import okio.buffer import okio.sink import import import import import kotlin.math.max /** * This class bundles information about an emoji font as well as many convenient actions. */ class EmojiCompatFont( val name: String, private val display: String, @StringRes val caption: Int, @DrawableRes val img: Int, val url: String, // The version is stored as a String in the x.xx.xx format (to be able to compare versions) val version: String) { private val versionCode = getVersionCode(version) // A list of all available font files and whether they are older than the current version or not // They are ordered by their version codes in ascending order private var existingFontFileCache: List>>? = null val id: Int get() = FONTS.indexOf(this) fun getDisplay(context: Context): String { return if (this !== SYSTEM_DEFAULT) display else context.getString(R.string.system_default) } /** * This method will return the actual font file (regardless of its existence) for * the current version (not necessarily the latest!). * * @return The font (TTF) file or null if called on SYSTEM_FONT */ private fun getFontFile(context: Context): File? { return if (this !== SYSTEM_DEFAULT) { val directory = File(context.getExternalFilesDir(null), DIRECTORY) File(directory, "$name$version.ttf") } else { null } } fun getConfig(context: Context): EmojiCompat.Config { if(this === SYSTEM_DEFAULT) return BundledEmojiCompatConfig(context); return FileEmojiCompatConfig(context, getLatestFontFile(context)) } fun isDownloaded(context: Context): Boolean { return this === SYSTEM_DEFAULT || getFontFile(context)?.exists() == true || fontFileExists(context) } /** * Checks whether there is already a font version that satisfies the current version, i.e. it * has a higher or equal version code. * * @param context The Context * @return Whether there is a font file with a higher or equal version code to the current */ private fun fontFileExists(context: Context): Boolean { val existingFontFiles = getExistingFontFiles(context) return if (existingFontFiles.isNotEmpty()) { compareVersions(existingFontFiles.last().second, versionCode) >= 0 } else { false } } /** * Deletes any older version of a font * * @param context The current Context */ private fun deleteOldVersions(context: Context) { val existingFontFiles = getExistingFontFiles(context) Log.d(TAG, "deleting old versions...") Log.d(TAG, String.format("deleteOldVersions: Found %d other font files", existingFontFiles.size)) for (fileExists in existingFontFiles) { if (compareVersions(fileExists.second, versionCode) < 0) { val file = fileExists.first // Uses side effects! Log.d(TAG, String.format("Deleted %s successfully: %s", file.absolutePath, file.delete())) } } } /** * Loads all font files that are inside the files directory into an ArrayList with the information * on whether they are older than the currently available version or not. * * @param context The Context */ private fun getExistingFontFiles(context: Context): List>> { // Only load it once existingFontFileCache?.let { return it } // If we call this on the system default font, just return nothing... if (this === SYSTEM_DEFAULT) { existingFontFileCache = emptyList() return emptyList() } val directory = File(context.getExternalFilesDir(null), DIRECTORY) // It will search for old versions using a regex that matches the font's name plus // (if present) a version code. No version code will be regarded as version 0. val fontRegex = "$name(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)?\\.ttf".toPattern() val ttfFilter = FilenameFilter { _, name: String -> name.endsWith(".ttf") } val foundFontFiles = directory.listFiles(ttfFilter).orEmpty() Log.d(TAG, String.format("loadExistingFontFiles: %d other font files found", foundFontFiles.size)) return { file -> val matcher = fontRegex.matcher( val versionCode = if (matcher.matches()) { val version = getVersionCode(version) } else { listOf(0) } Pair(file, versionCode) }.sortedWith( Comparator>> { a, b -> compareVersions(a.second, b.second) } ).also { existingFontFileCache = it } } /** * Returns the current or latest version of this font file (if there is any) * * @param context The Context * @return The file for this font with the current or (if not existent) highest version code or null if there is no file for this font. */ private fun getLatestFontFile(context: Context): File? { val current = getFontFile(context) if (current != null && current.exists()) return current val existingFontFiles = getExistingFontFiles(context) return existingFontFiles.firstOrNull()?.first } private fun getVersionCode(version: String?): List { if (version == null) return listOf(0) return version.split(".").map { it.toIntOrNull() ?: 0 } } fun downloadFontFile(context: Context, okHttpClient: OkHttpClient): Observable { return Observable.create { emitter: ObservableEmitter -> // It is possible (and very likely) that the file does not exist yet val downloadFile = getFontFile(context)!! if (!downloadFile.exists()) { downloadFile.parentFile?.mkdirs() downloadFile.createNewFile() } val request = Request.Builder().url(url) .build() val sink = downloadFile.sink().buffer() var source: Source? = null try { // Download! val response = okHttpClient.newCall(request).execute() val responseBody = response.body if (response.isSuccessful && responseBody != null) { val size = response.length() var progress = 0f source = responseBody.source() try { while (!emitter.isDisposed) { sink.write(source, CHUNK_SIZE) progress += CHUNK_SIZE.toFloat() if(size > 0) { emitter.onNext(progress / size) } else { emitter.onNext(-1f) } } } catch (ex: EOFException) { /* This means we've finished downloading the file since sink.write will throw an EOFException when the file to be read is empty. */ } } else { Log.e(TAG, "Downloading $url failed. Status code: ${response.code}") emitter.tryOnError(Exception()) } } catch (ex: IOException) { Log.e(TAG, "Downloading $url failed.", ex) downloadFile.deleteIfExists() emitter.tryOnError(ex) } finally { source?.close() sink.close() if (emitter.isDisposed) { downloadFile.deleteIfExists() } else { deleteOldVersions(context) emitter.onComplete() } } } .subscribeOn( } /** * Deletes the downloaded file, if it exists. Should be called when a download gets cancelled. */ fun deleteDownloadedFile(context: Context) { getFontFile(context)?.deleteIfExists() } override fun toString(): String { return display } companion object { private const val TAG = "EmojiCompatFont" /** * This String represents the sub-directory the fonts are stored in. */ private const val DIRECTORY = "emoji" private const val CHUNK_SIZE = 4096L // The system font gets some special behavior... private val SYSTEM_DEFAULT = EmojiCompatFont("system-default", "System Default", R.string.caption_systememoji, R.drawable.ic_emoji_34dp, "", "0") private val BLOBMOJI = EmojiCompatFont("Blobmoji", "Blobmoji", R.string.caption_blobmoji, R.drawable.ic_blobmoji, "", "12.0.0" ) private val TWEMOJI = EmojiCompatFont("Twemoji", "Twemoji", R.string.caption_twemoji, R.drawable.ic_twemoji, "", "12.0.0" ) private val NOTOEMOJI = EmojiCompatFont("NotoEmoji", "Noto Emoji", R.string.caption_notoemoji, R.drawable.ic_notoemoji, "", "11.0.0" ) /** * This array stores all available EmojiCompat fonts. * References to them can simply be saved by saving their indices */ val FONTS = listOf(SYSTEM_DEFAULT, BLOBMOJI, TWEMOJI, NOTOEMOJI) /** * Returns the Emoji font associated with this ID * * @param id the ID of this font * @return the corresponding font. Will default to SYSTEM_DEFAULT if not in range. */ fun byId(id: Int): EmojiCompatFont = FONTS.getOrElse(id) { SYSTEM_DEFAULT } /** * Compares two version codes to each other * * @param versionA The first version * @param versionB The second version * @return -1 if versionA < versionB, 1 if versionA > versionB and 0 otherwise */ @VisibleForTesting fun compareVersions(versionA: List, versionB: List): Int { val len = max(versionB.size, versionA.size) for (i in 0 until len) { val vA = versionA.getOrElse(i) { 0 } val vB = versionB.getOrElse(i) { 0 } // It needs to be decided on the next level if (vA == vB) continue // Okay, is version B newer or version A? return vA.compareTo(vB) } // The versions are equal return 0 } /** * This method is needed because when transparent compression is used OkHttp reports * [ResponseBody.contentLength] as -1. We try to get the header which server sent * us manually here. * * @see [OkHttp issue 259]( */ private fun Response.length(): Long { networkResponse?.let { val header = it.header("Content-Length") ?: return -1 return header.toLongOrDefault(-1) } // In case it's a fully cached response return body?.contentLength() ?: -1 } private fun File.deleteIfExists() { if(exists() && !delete()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not delete file $this") } } } }