@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Environment ;
import android.os.Parcel ;
import android.os.Parcelable ;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager ;
import android.provider.MediaStore ;
import android.support.annotation.AttrRes ;
import android.support.annotation.LayoutRes ;
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ import java.io.InputStream;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.Callback ;
import retrofit2.Response ;
public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragment . Listener {
public final class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragment . Listener {
private static final String TAG = "ComposeActivity" ; // logging tag
private static final int STATUS_CHARACTER_LIMIT = 500 ;
private static final int STATUS_MEDIA_SIZE_LIMIT = 8388608 ; // 8MiB
@ -130,8 +132,20 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
private static final int COMPOSE_SUCCESS = - 1 ;
private static final int THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 128 ; // pixels
private static final String SAVED_TOOT_UID_EXTRA = "saved_toot_uid" ;
private static final String SAVED_TOOT_TEXT_EXTRA = "saved_toot_text" ;
private static final String SAVED_JSON_URLS_EXTRA = "saved_json_urls" ;
private static final String IN_REPLY_TO_ID_EXTRA = "in_reply_to_id" ;
private static final String REPLY_VISIBILITY_EXTRA = "reply_visibilty" ;
private static final String CONTENT_WARNING_EXTRA = "content_warning" ;
private static final String MENTIONED_USERNAMES_EXTRA = "netnioned_usernames" ;
private static final String REPLYING_STATUS_AUTHOR_USERNAME_EXTRA = "replying_author_nickname_extra" ;
private static final String REPLYING_STATUS_CONTENT_EXTRA = "replying_status_content" ;
private static TootDao tootDao = TuskyApplication . getDB ( ) . tootDao ( ) ;
private TextView replyTextView ;
private TextView replyContentTextView ;
private EditTextTyped textEditor ;
private LinearLayout mediaPreviewBar ;
private View contentWarningBar ;
@ -169,6 +183,8 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
super . onCreate ( savedInstanceState ) ;
setContentView ( R . layout . activity_compose ) ;
replyTextView = findViewById ( R . id . reply_tv ) ;
replyContentTextView = findViewById ( R . id . reply_content_tv ) ;
textEditor = findViewById ( R . id . compose_edit_field ) ;
mediaPreviewBar = findViewById ( R . id . compose_media_preview_bar ) ;
contentWarningBar = findViewById ( R . id . compose_content_warning_bar ) ;
@ -275,8 +291,8 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
ArrayList < String > loadedDraftMediaUris = null ;
inReplyToId = null ;
if ( intent ! = null ) {
inReplyToId = intent . getStringExtra ( "in_reply_to_id" ) ;
String replyVisibility = intent . getStringExtra ( "reply_visibility" ) ;
inReplyToId = intent . getStringExtra ( IN_REPLY_TO_ID_EXTRA ) ;
String replyVisibility = intent . getStringExtra ( REPLY_VISIBILITY_EXTRA ) ;
if ( replyVisibility ! = null & & startingVisibility ! = null ) {
// Lowest possible visibility setting in response
@ -291,15 +307,15 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
mentionedUsernames = intent . getStringArrayExtra ( "mentioned_usernames" ) ;
mentionedUsernames = intent . getStringArrayExtra ( MENTIONED_USERNAMES_EXTRA ) ;
if ( inReplyToId ! = null ) {
startingHideText = ! intent . getStringExtra ( "content_warning" ) . equals ( "" ) ;
startingHideText = ! intent . getStringExtra ( CONTENT_WARNING_EXTRA ) . equals ( "" ) ;
if ( startingHideText ) {
startingContentWarning = intent . getStringExtra ( "content_warning" ) ;
startingContentWarning = intent . getStringExtra ( CONTENT_WARNING_EXTRA ) ;
} else {
String contentWarning = intent . getStringExtra ( "saved_toot_content_warning" ) ;
String contentWarning = intent . getStringExtra ( CONTENT_WARNING_EXTRA ) ;
if ( contentWarning ! = null ) {
startingHideText = ! contentWarning . isEmpty ( ) ;
if ( startingHideText ) {
@ -309,12 +325,12 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
// If come from SavedTootActivity
String savedTootText = intent . getStringExtra ( "saved_toot_text" ) ;
String savedTootText = intent . getStringExtra ( SAVED_TOOT_TEXT_EXTRA ) ;
if ( ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( savedTootText ) ) {
textEditor . append ( savedTootText ) ;
String savedJsonUrls = intent . getStringExtra ( "saved_json_urls" ) ;
String savedJsonUrls = intent . getStringExtra ( SAVED_JSON_URLS_EXTRA ) ;
if ( ! TextUtils . isEmpty ( savedJsonUrls ) ) {
// try to redo a list of media
loadedDraftMediaUris = new Gson ( ) . fromJson ( savedJsonUrls ,
@ -322,10 +338,30 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
} . getType ( ) ) ;
int savedTootUid = intent . getIntExtra ( "saved_toot_uid" , 0 ) ;
int savedTootUid = intent . getIntExtra ( SAVED_TOOT_UID_EXTRA , 0 ) ;
if ( savedTootUid ! = 0 ) {
this . savedTootUid = savedTootUid ;
if ( intent . hasExtra ( REPLYING_STATUS_AUTHOR_USERNAME_EXTRA ) ) {
replyTextView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ;
String username = intent . getStringExtra ( REPLYING_STATUS_AUTHOR_USERNAME_EXTRA ) ;
replyTextView . setText ( getString ( R . string . replying_to , username ) ) ;
replyTextView . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) {
public void onClick ( View v ) {
if ( replyContentTextView . getVisibility ( ) ! = View . VISIBLE ) {
replyContentTextView . setVisibility ( View . VISIBLE ) ;
} else {
replyContentTextView . setVisibility ( View . GONE ) ;
} ) ;
if ( intent . hasExtra ( REPLYING_STATUS_CONTENT_EXTRA ) ) {
replyContentTextView . setText ( intent . getStringExtra ( REPLYING_STATUS_CONTENT_EXTRA ) ) ;
/ * If the currently logged in account is locked , its posts should default to private . This
@ -460,6 +496,8 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
@ -533,19 +571,20 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
if ( statusHideText ) {
contentWarning = contentWarningEditor . getText ( ) . toString ( ) ;
Editable textToSave = textEditor . getEditableText ( ) ;
/ * Discard any upload URLs embedded in the text because they ' ll be re - uploaded when
* the draft is loaded and replaced with new URLs . * /
if ( mediaQueued ! = null ) {
for ( QueuedMedia item : mediaQueued ) {
removeUrlFromEditable ( textEditor . getEditableText ( ) , item . uploadUrl ) ;
textToSave = removeUrlFromEditable ( textToSave , item . uploadUrl ) ;
boolean b = saveTheToot ( textEditor . getText ( ) . toString ( ) , contentWarning ) ;
if ( b ) {
boolean didSaveSuccessfully = saveTheToot ( textToSave . toString ( ) , contentWarning ) ;
if ( didSaveSuccessfully ) {
Toast . makeText ( ComposeActivity . this , R . string . action_save_one_toot , Toast . LENGTH_SHORT )
. show ( ) ;
return b ;
return didSaveSuccessfully ;
private static boolean copyToFile ( ContentResolver contentResolver , Uri uri , File file ) {
@ -1228,15 +1267,17 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
private static void removeUrlFromEditable ( Editable editable , @Nullable URLSpan urlSpan ) {
private static Editable removeUrlFromEditable ( Editable editable , @Nullable URLSpan urlSpan ) {
if ( urlSpan = = null ) {
return ;
return editable ;
int start = editable . getSpanStart ( urlSpan ) ;
int end = editable . getSpanEnd ( urlSpan ) ;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder ( editable ) ;
int start = builder . getSpanStart ( urlSpan ) ;
int end = builder . getSpanEnd ( urlSpan ) ;
if ( start ! = - 1 & & end ! = - 1 ) {
editable . delete ( start , end ) ;
builder . delete ( start , end ) ;
return builder ;
private void downsizeMedia ( final QueuedMedia item ) {
@ -1710,4 +1751,105 @@ public class ComposeActivity extends BaseActivity implements ComposeOptionsFragm
return view ;
public static final class IntentBuilder {
private Integer savedTootUid ;
private String savedTootText ;
private String savedJsonUrls ;
private Collection < String > mentionedUsernames ;
private String inReplyToId ;
private String replyVisibility ;
private String contentWarning ;
private Account replyingStatusAuthor ;
private String replyingStatusContent ;
public IntentBuilder savedTootUid ( int uid ) {
this . savedTootUid = uid ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder savedTootText ( String savedTootText ) {
this . savedTootText = savedTootText ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder savedJsonUrls ( String jsonUrls ) {
this . savedJsonUrls = jsonUrls ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder mentionedUsernames ( Collection < String > mentionedUsernames ) {
this . mentionedUsernames = mentionedUsernames ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder inReplyToId ( String inReplyToId ) {
this . inReplyToId = inReplyToId ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder replyVisibility ( String replyVisibility ) {
this . replyVisibility = replyVisibility ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder contentWarning ( String contentWarning ) {
this . contentWarning = contentWarning ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder repyingStatusAuthor ( Account author ) {
this . replyingStatusAuthor = author ;
return this ;
public IntentBuilder replyingStatusContent ( String content ) {
this . replyingStatusContent = content ;
return this ;
public Intent build ( Context context ) {
Intent intent = new Intent ( context , ComposeActivity . class ) ;
if ( savedTootUid ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( SAVED_TOOT_UID_EXTRA , ( int ) savedTootUid ) ;
if ( savedTootText ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( SAVED_TOOT_TEXT_EXTRA , savedTootText ) ;
if ( savedJsonUrls ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( SAVED_JSON_URLS_EXTRA , savedJsonUrls ) ;
if ( mentionedUsernames ! = null ) {
String [ ] usernames = mentionedUsernames . toArray ( new String [ 0 ] ) ;
intent . putExtra ( MENTIONED_USERNAMES_EXTRA , usernames ) ;
if ( inReplyToId ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( IN_REPLY_TO_ID_EXTRA , inReplyToId ) ;
if ( replyVisibility ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( REPLY_VISIBILITY_EXTRA , replyVisibility ) ;
if ( contentWarning ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( CONTENT_WARNING_EXTRA , contentWarning ) ;
if ( replyingStatusContent ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( REPLYING_STATUS_CONTENT_EXTRA , replyingStatusContent ) ;
if ( replyingStatusAuthor ! = null ) {
replyingStatusAuthor . localUsername ) ;
return intent ;