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package android.text
// Used for stubbing Android implementation without slow & buggy Robolectric things
class SpannableString(private val text: CharSequence) : Spannable {
override fun setSpan(what: Any?, start: Int, end: Int, flags: Int) {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun <T : Any?> getSpans(start: Int, end: Int, type: Class<T>?): Array<T> {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun removeSpan(what: Any?) {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun toString(): String {
return "FakeSpannableString[text=$text]"
override val length: Int
get() = text.length
override fun nextSpanTransition(start: Int, limit: Int, type: Class<*>?): Int {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun getSpanEnd(tag: Any?): Int {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun getSpanFlags(tag: Any?): Int {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun get(index: Int): Char {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun subSequence(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): CharSequence {
throw NotImplementedError()
override fun getSpanStart(tag: Any?): Int {
throw NotImplementedError()